Sunday, March 29, 2009

sunday, march 29, 2009

His Holiness the 17th. Karmapa was a teenager when he made his escape from Tibet, thwarting the efforts of Chinese government officials to control his public role; it was Chinese interference with his need to complete his spiritual education, that led to his final decision to leave. Once safely in India, Karmapa declared publicly that the decision was his alone, and had not been orchestrated by the Dalai Lama, as the Chinese were quick to claim.

The consequences of his escape for the future of Tibet in it's struggle against Chinese domination, are enormous. His public influence on Tibetans was subject to total government control while he was contained within his monastery near Lhasa. His value to the Chinese as a tool for control of Tibetan unrest, vanished when he crossed the Himalayas into India and the embrace of the Tibetan government-in-exile. At the same time his grooming for leadership by the aging Dalai Lama shows early signs of success, as the Karmapa enters early adulthood already an international media star.

As a figure of drama, Karmapa would be hard to improve on. His stature in Tibet is unique, even among the enlightened beings who are his peers. He is the living embodiment of the Buddha; the historical roots of his lineage extending deep into old Tibet. He is also uniquely recognized as the reincarnation of the 16th. Karmapa by both the Dalai Lama and the Chinese government. HH17K's enthronement ceremony included Chinese participation. This dual recognition results in full acceptance of Karmapa's authority among the Tibetan people, while preventing the Chinese from either denouncing him, or repudiating reincarnation as the accepted mode of succession for high Lamas. Finally, the heroic nature of his escape through the Himalayas recalls the legendary escape of the Dalai Lama in 1959, further establishing his leadership credentials.

Karmapa Lama emerges as Tibet's new voice - China-

BBC NEWS Asia-Pacific Karmapa softens stance on China

Flight of the Lama - The New York Times

It is clear from his emotional reaction in the following video, that Karmapa fully understands the enormity of the task now before him, as the Dalai Lama first informs him of the plan for succession.

HH the 14th. Dalai Lama Joins His Holiness the 17th. Karmapa at 2003 Kagyu Monlam festival

HH14DL confirms HH17K at a public gathering. In Tibetan.

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