Wednesday, February 25, 2009

February 25, 2009

Say 'NO' to Losar
China expects Tibet to celebrate, or else - Los Angeles Times about a lousy stimulus package.

Among other tactics designed to thwart the designs of the "Say 'NO' to Losar" movement now taking root in Tibet, the Chinese government has given $120 to 37,000 Tibetan families to encourage holiday shopping. Comes to about $4.5 million. I'm soooooo impressed.

In tribute to Tibetans who died in the uprisings last year, many Tibetans are choosing to replace the traditional Losar celebration with a period of mourning for the dead. The Chinese, fit to be tied, are responding by trying to force Tibetans to have a good time. Talk about buzz kills. Not to disrespect the seriousness of the say NO movement, but the absurdity of it puts me in mind of the old "you have relatives in East Germany?" routine. You vill go to ze picnic, und you vill haff a sandwich! Und ven der muzic plays, you will tap ze foot!

Sorry, that was pretty dumb. But not as dumb as paying for round-the-clock government sponsored Losar events that no one goes to; or watches on TV. And having huge fireworks displays going off without an audience. Sad. The Chinese are on the way to discovering that tyranny breeds contempt, and contempt breeds revolution. Fanning the flames of Tibetan anger is a bad strategy for trying to control a people rapidly loosing faith in non-violent resistance. Indeed, the Chinese permit no resistance, non-violent or otherwise. To say that Tibet faces an uncertain future puts it mildly. The key question being asked by practicing Buddhists is whether or not the non-violent tactics of His Holiness will survive his death. For the Chinese government the cost of containing the coming conflict will be measured in world opinion. For the people of Tibet, it will be measured in human life.


my thanks to the Stand Up 4 Tibet web site for the say 'NO' to Losar graphics


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